Thursday, December 17, 2015

Beta Test: Round II

I’m going to start with what everyone is really waiting for…Frosty made it through! We are pregnant!  It’s still very early and we have a few more hurdles to get through, but we wanted to share the exciting news with everyone.  When I started this blog, I decided that I want to share the good and the bad with y’all.  So hopefully it’s only good news from here on out.

Now for the rest of the update since my last post…

Spencer has been doing a great job with my progesterone shots.  I barely feel them and haven't had any knots in my bum from the oil not absorbing properly.  We even had to do one at the car after his graduation, which was a tad different. The progesterone has definitely had an effect on me though; see the symptoms below, most of them are caused by the progesterone shots.

Today was my beta test to determine if Frosty made it through the two week wait.  A short blood draw in the morning, then a long wait throughout the day for that phone call.  I had to let it go to voicemail because I had interview committee obligations to fulfill throughout the morning.  But once that was done, I looked at my phone and saw the text version of the voicemail.  The key words that stood out to me were congratulations, positive, 109! I was so giddy, but ending a conversation with some coworkers so I kept it inside for a few minutes.  I was shaking by the time I walked out of the library and headed to my car.  I texted Spencer immediately and told him the good news.  I’m pretty sure I’ve cried and been very shaky over the news, as well as absolutely giddy.  It was much easier to function at work the rest of the day compared to when we got the bad news two months ago, even if it was a little hard to focus.

I have another blood test on Saturday to determine if my levels keep rising. The doctor wants to see my level at over 220 to indicate a healthy increase and healthy pregnancy.  So keep the good thoughts and prayers coming please.  We are not completely out of the woods yet, so it’s cautious optimism right now.  After Saturday’s blood test, the next hurdle is the ultrasound to make sure the baby is actually there and it’s not just an empty sac; we might even get to hear the heartbeat then.  I know most women wouldn’t even share this news for another two months, but I don’t care.  I want everyone to be able to celebrate with us now and hopefully at each milestone along the way.  And if, God forbid, we do get bad news eventually, we know we have an excellent support network to mourn with (let’s hope we don’t have to use it though).


Symptom tracker:  still a little tired (sleepy time is around 8:30/9 pm most nights), nose goes crazy with random smells, taste buds are off making lots of food not as delicious as it used to be, dizzy more often, a little bloated most of the time, hot flashes occasionally, cry more at things that shouldn't really make a grown woman cry (the news gets really iffy sometimes depending on how many heartwarming stories they have to share), slightly crampy (but that's completely normal as Frosty digs in and my uterus makes room for him/her), allergies have been going haywire the last two weeks (I even had to go to my primary care doctor to get antibiotics my sore throat got so bad)

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