Monday, December 21, 2015

Waiting game

Normally with an IVF cycle, you have a blood test to confirm pregnancy at nine days past transfer and again at 11 days past transfer.  These two tests are supposed to show an increase of at least 66%, preferably doubling within 72 hours.  This is a sign of a pregnancy progressing normally.  As everyone probably knows by now, our first test came back at 109, which confirmed that I am pregnant.  My second test did not happen until today, five days after the first, because of travel issues over the weekend.  For my numbers to show a 66% increase, I believe they should be around at least 300 now.  The results of this test showed my level at 163.  I had hoped that I heard the nurse incorrectly, but she confirmed the lower-than-desired level.  She said I need to come back in again on Wednesday to see what my levels are at.  She didn't really say that the levels are bad or good, just to retest. So of course, I turn to the internet...

The long and the short of it is that we don't really know what to expect from here on out.  My levels are not doubling like they should be, which could mean many things (most of which are not desired).  There is still a chance my levels go up again on Wednesday and Frosty is just growing a little slower for some reason. That's what we hope to hear on Wednesday and would like everyone to hope and pray for. However, the lower numbers could mean that Frosty had something wrong genetically and won't make it; it could also mean an ectopic pregnancy or that a twin didn't make it (which I am not sure applies to our case since we only transferred one embryo).  I am hopeful that Frosty is just as stubborn as I am and will kick it into high gear and raise those numbers up by Wednesday. However, it's hard not to dwell on the more likely outcome that this round just wasn't successful again, even though it started off well.

This has been very hard news to hear after such excitement last week.  I know everyone was so happy for us.  This news breaks my heart and I hope that I'm over-reacting and it all turns out OK after all.  I just ask for prayers and good thoughts and a Christmas miracle right now.  I plan to do my best over the next few days to provide Frosty with the best home possible and hope for the best.  With any luck, my next post will have a much happier message.

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