Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Transfer day: Round II

So apparently I only posted about transfer day on Facebook, not here.

Second time's the charm
On Monday, December 7th, we transferred one little embryo (I'm calling it Frosty).  The transfer went smoothly.
Frosty is back home!
Baby's first picture
I spent the rest of the week sending out good vibes, not stressing about anything, drinking tons of water, and eating healthy.  I had allergy issues because of the crazy Texas weather the first week of December, and after the transfer things hadn't changed too much. I still had a runny nose and dry throat.  Because of the junk going on in the head, I found it hard to notice any possible symptoms during the two week wait.  We also didn't want to test early at home this time, so the blood test on Wednesday December 16th will be a total surprise.

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