Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Week 24 - grow baby, grow!

We have news! The specialist was able to get us in this week. So we got to see the babies again in hi-def this time.

The appointment started with the usual vitals being taken and then the wait. Finally after what felt like forever, the sonographer came in to take lots of measurements. She was very thorough and explained alot of what she was doing. Owen was pretty cooperative. He was face up so we got a cute picture of his face. He gained about 4 ounces (I think) in the last week! He's measuring about a week ahead.

Elizabeth had moved some from last week, but not really to a better spot. She was facing my back so the sonographer couldn't get a cute picture of her during that scan. She is a little wiggle worm and didn't stay still for very long so measurements were kind of tough again. That and she's wedged herself up under my left ribcage. It also probably didn't help that I had been laying on my back for too long and needed to turn to my side; I'd gotten a tad dizzy, hot, and uncomfortable due to the babies laying on arteries. The sonographer kept going, taking measurements from a slightly more unhelpful angle. She got enough measurements to determine that Elizabeth has only gained an ounce in the last week. The sonographer finished up and gave us a disc of pics and some print outs. Then she left to get the doctor.

The doctor came in and did her own scan. She was mostly looking at the babies for herself as well as taking a few measurements the sonographer hadn't been able to get. She noticed a small cyst on Owen that she's going to keep an eye on. She said they tend to disappear in utero and didn't seem to worried about it. She got better measurements on Elizabeth because the wiggle worm had moved slightly.  We got a profile pic of her this scan.  Her head is still measuring a tad small, but it's a small normal. She went from 11th percentile up to the 17th percentile. Above 10th percent is normal, so here's to hoping that her head keeps growing to catch up to the rest of her body and her brother. The brain structure the OB couldn't see was there this time. The doctor wasn't 100% satisfied with what she could see, but she was pretty confident it's all there and seems ok.  She said the growth difference could be because one placenta didn't quite stick as well as the other. But she isn't too concerned at this point. For now, we come back in 2 weeks for another scan to see how they are doing.

We are glad that both babies seem to be doing ok still, but I'm happy we get the hi-def scans every few weeks.  I guess my concern now is that the gap in their sizes will become to large and the babies will need to come early. No one has said that yet, so it's just my irrational fears. This is just a waiting game right now to see what the next step will be. To end on a positive notes, Spencer has now been able to feel Owen kick several times. Elizabeth is harder to feel so he hasn't felt her yet; I'm sure he'll feel the wiggle worm soon enough though.

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