Wednesday, April 5, 2017

22 weeks

Hi all!  Here's what's been happening over the last week...

We are 22 weeks today. The pregnancy app I use says the babies are the size of an American guinea pig. I can feel them wiggling around more often; it's such a weird feeling - almost like butterflies fluttering. I keep trying to tell if I can feel them from the outside so Spencer can feel too, but not yet. I've been feeling pretty good, just a bit of heartburn, back aches, leg cramps, and swelling feet to complain of (but all of it is rather mild and only occasionally). Oh and going to the bathroom all the time.  I had a full on leg cramp last Wednesday night and my calf hurt for about two or three days afterwards.  I'm thinking of getting a maternity support band thing to help relieve some of the pressure on my back, especially since I'm just gonna keep getting bigger.

We signed up for some classes with the hospital before they all fill up. We have a hospital tour later this month to learn more about the hospital's labor and delivery department. Also later this month we have an expecting multiples class that will be two days long. That one seems to go over almost everything, but if it doesn't cover breastfeeding or delivery well enough, I'll sign up for one of those specifically. We also are going to do a baby basics class, just to make sure what we think we know already is right. I'm not afraid to confess I don't know everything about babies. So I'm excited to take all of those classes to help ease some of the apprehension about what to expect later on.

Sunday night, I got a phone call from Babies r Us saying that we'd won their month drawing for a gift basket of $50 worth of things from our registry. This was quite a nice surprise! We stopped by Monday to pick it up. It had some onesies, hats, mittens, toys, and month counter sticker things all in a basket. It was really cute and cool to already have a gift for the kiddos.  I haven't really done much more work on organizing our multiple registries, so I need to get back on top of that soon.

We have a doctor's appointment next week, so that'll probably be the bulk of next week's post. In the meantime, here's a bump pic.

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