Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Week 23 - latest doctor's appointment

Owen, waving to us or rubbing his face
Well, we made it to week 23.  We had another doctor's appointment this morning; like last month, we started with an ultrasound with before chatting with the doctor. It was great to see Owen and Elizabeth again. The tech confirmed that they are indeed a boy and girl. She spent alot of time taking measurements. Owen was quite active and shy. He waved to us, but kept a hand in front of his face so we never did get a very good image of his face. The tech used the 3D/4D special feature to try to take a picture of his face, but it just turned out kind of creepy looking because his hand distorted it. The tech moved on to Elizabeth next and took a bunch of measurements on her. Elizabeth was more chill than her brother; apparently he is sitting on her head (or really she's laying her head on his bum given their positions in my belly). She is breech and in a difficult spot to measure, which is probably why I don't feel her quite as much. Both babies are measuring well for the most part. Owen weighs 1 pound 4 oz (44th percentile); Elizabeth is 1 pound 3 oz (35th percentile); Owen is only 7% bigger than his sister. The tech mentioned that Elizabeth's head is measuring a tad small but that's common with breech babies. We got a few pictures of them and moved to another room to wait for the doctor.

Elizabeth, with Owen's bum in the right upper corner
(I think; this one is hard for me to read)
It took a while for the doctor to come in; I guess she was busy with other patients and looking over our scans before she came in to see us. She told us the babies look good. She said that Elizabeth's head measured a little small and that they had trouble seeing where the two hemispheres of the brain meet to measure the angle there. For that reason, she is referring us to a maternal - fetal medicine specialist. That's a high risk OB that has way better scanning equipment and can get better measurements. The doctor told me in our first appointment that could be a possibility, but I'd decided to wait until it was necessary instead of just jumping into seeing one. So we will see the MFM for the rest of the pregnancy for scans (I think that's what the doctor said) and our regular OB for other normal visits and delivery. So now we wait patiently for our referral to go through and put our minds at ease.

The rest of the appointment was spent answering my questions.  I got a recommendation on a support band (and ordered it this afternoon on amazon). I get to do my glucose tolerance test next month, so yay. I also get my whooping cough vaccine that visit. And anyone who wants to be around the babies need to have had their whooping cough or pertussis shot within the last 2-5 years. We decided to not worry about finding our Spencer's blood type and just go ahead with the Rh shot, which will happen around 28 weeks. I am measuring six weeks ahead, which would be 29 weeks with a singleton. We wrapped up the appointment and got another one four weeks from now. In the meantime, we will wait to see the MFM and see what they have to say.

We are trying to stay positive and trust that Elizabeth is just fine. That she's just in a bad place to measure properly. It brings some comfort to me knowing that as soon as I post this we will instantly have a few hundred prayers and positive thoughts hoping for the best outcome possible. Yall are awesome like that :) I promise to post more as soon as we know more about the situation.

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