Wednesday, May 3, 2017

25 weeks...babymoon

Oh my! I can't believe how far we've come. Only 13 weeks to go (or less but let's hope not too many fewer). There's still so much to do and my ability to get some of these things done is quickly diminishing. So starting to get just a tad overwhelmed 

Last week, I had a library conference in San Antonio. I was a tad nervous about managing by myself down there so I brought Spencer along with me. I'm glad he was there to help drive and walk with me. For someone who barely makes her 6,000 steps each day, I walked about 12,000 steps each day down there. I wore my brace most of the time and got a bunch of sitting in during the sessions; that helped I think. But I'm still worn out even though I've been home for three days now. Spencer had a good time exploring the city while I was in meetings most of the day.  It was a nice little babymoon.

We have another scan next week to check on Elizabeth again. We are hoping for some major growth. I know they are doing ok because I feel them quite a bit now. Spencer finally got to feel both of them (Owen several times). I think the last few days they are working on their flipping skills.
Kind of blurry bump pic
from the bathroom at work
(it was this or nothing :) )

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