Wednesday, May 10, 2017

27 weeks

Evening all! I know yall are probably anxious to know how the turkeys are doing, so I'll start with yesterday's doctors appointments (that's right, with an s!).

First appointment of the day was with our regular OB. I got to do my glucose tolerance test (I passed it). We also got to see the kiddos for a quick scan with the doctor to check heart beats. Both were squirming quite a bit (apparently they like the glucose drink), so their heart rates were a tad high. The doctor answered all of our questions, as much as she could. It's all up to our MFM doctor to call the shots. We will continue to see the OB every other week for now, unless the MFM says she want more scans done.

Our afternoon appointment with the MFM was and wasn't what we were expecting. We expected to have her measure the kids again and give and update on weight gain. Turns out that'll be every two weeks (so next week). This week was all about measuring the blood flow, which still looked good for both of them. She even said that it looked like they were starting to practice breathing, which is right on target for development.

I've gotten all of my blood work back from last week now; no infections or chomosomal trisomy issues causing Elizabeth's smaller size. So we are down to just placental size or placement or she's just super small. Either way, we go back weekly for the next few weeks. If Elizabeth isn't growing enough, we will go to twice weekly monitoring (once with the MFM and later in the week with the OB). If that's not enough, hospital bed rest to monitor her much closer. The concern is that while she's better off in me for now, as the weeks go on, that could change quickly. So more just waiting and hoping.

We also had our second class for preparing for multiples. It was all about postpartum and what to expect after delivery. Got some tips on breastfeeding too. Turns out because of my PCOS there is a small chance I'll have more trouble breastfeeding (due to crazy hormone issues). I'd not heard that before, but I'm not letting it get me down. We will cross that bridge when we get there.

As for me and the turkeys, I'm really starting to feel the load. I get exhausted very quickly and my hips always hurt. Elizabeth learned a new trick; she likes to use her foot (I think based on her position in the last scan) to push out. You can see and feel her pretty good, so I know she's a strong girl. They have been very active the last few days. My hands are constantly jumping around when I rest them on my belly. Luckily they let me sleep decently in between potty breaks every few hours.

We have a few showers planned so far (and hopefully the kids don't come too early). I'm trying to finish up our registry but it's taking way longer than I thought it would. So many choices to make. I have our buy buy baby one pretty much done; just trying to transfer alot of that stuff to target and babies r us now. I left off clothing, diapers, and bottles for now because I have no clue what the babies will like; I'll take anything in small bits right now and get more of whatever works best for them.

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