Thursday, May 18, 2017

28 Weeks - Third Trimester starts

We had another growth scan earlier this week to see how the turkeys are doing.  Got some of the best news we'd heard in a month or so.  Elizabeth is back up above the 10th percentile; she's in the 15th percentile now!  The doctor was very impressed and released us back to every other week scans.  Here's a screenshot of the message our regular OB sent the next day after she got our report.  It made me smile.

Owen was back in his head down position during the scan so it was hard to get his measurements.  He's starting to practice breathing on his own.  His head measured above the 99th percentile in the scan, so I'm really glad right now we're opting for the c-section.  The doctor said that could even out with the rest of his body before he comes, but overall, he's still a big baby.  He's 2 pounds 11 ounces right now and measuring about a week ahead size-wise.

Elizabeth, who graced us
with a rare glimpse of her profile
Elizabeth's face using the 3D feature
In the middle of the doctor measuring Owen, she noticed that Elizabeth was showing her profile. Every scan we've had there, it seems that Elizabeth is facing my back and we never get any shots of her face.  So the doctor stopped measuring Owen and switched to snapping a few pictures of her profile and even used the 3D imaging to look at her. I think that image is a tad weird, but it's the best we got at the time.  Elizabeth is transverse with her head under my left ribs.  She was hiccuping during the scan and wiggling the whole time.  There were times I could see my belly shaking as she danced and performed for the doctor.  She's only a few days behind her gestational age, weighing in 3 ounces above 2 pounds.  She's only about half a pound behind her brother now.

Overall, we are super excited that she's doing better.  I'd upped my protein and water intake and will continue to do so in the hopes she will start gaining even more.  I'm resting more and more as simply walking and standing can be exhausting.  My hands and feet like to swell up some if I do too much.  I got a three week pass to the Rec Center on campus to use the pool to float for a little bit a few times a week.  That was nice the first day and I can't wait to go back again.  I feel the babies move much more now, especially after ice cream.  I also had what the doctor says was my first contraction last weekend.  After sitting down to dinner, I felt it and got worried.  I wasn't sure exactly what I'd felt, but thought I'd drink a glass of water and lay down for a while (I remembered reading that somewhere).  I didn't feel any more after that, so decided just to wait until the doctor's appointment in a day or two and report it then.  I'm hoping that continuing to rest and not overdo it will prevent it from happening again.

Well until next week...

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