Monday, November 21, 2016

Turkeys are in the oven 😊

Today was transfer day!!

Here we go!
The lab called last week to confirm that my transfer would be at 1pm and to arrive by 12:15.  It's not the usual doctor's office in Southlake, but rather the lab in Dallas.  That meant an hour drive, so we left super early and got lunch out beforehand.  We got to the doctor's office a little early, where they had more paperwork for us to fill out.  Then we waited for them to call us back.

I expected a similar situation as at our old clinic.  There, the transfer was done in the same exam rooms the regular ultrasounds are done in.  The embryologist would bring in the embryos from the lab, carefully carrying them through the hallway when told to. Then I'd lay there after transfer for about 10 minutes.  

He wanted to take these home
 and wear all day...
My transfer garb...
This clinic is very different, but in a good way.  A lot of the details are the same- dark room, full bladder, ultrasound-guidance, no scented lotions, pictures of the embryos... But at this clinic, they took us into what looked like a surgery pre-op room.  I was told to change into the gown, put on special socks, and cover my hair.  Spencer got his own special outfit to wear as well. Turns out, this clinic does the transfer in an operating room connected to the lab.
Then we got to speak with a nurse, the doctor, the embryologist, and another nurse.  They answered questions and told us what to expect.  The embryologist gave us pictures of the embryos they'd thawed for us.  She said that one embryo looked good; the other one was still collapsed (I think that was the phrase she used) but she said that it'd likely continue to progress and get better.  After chatting with everyone, the nurse walked us back to the operating room.  I got on the table and the nurses got me into position.  The cool part about this transfer is that there is a TV in the OR that lets you see your embryos get sucked into the tube for transfer. I thought that was kind of neat.  The rest of transfer went as normal.  A nurse used the ultrasound machine to help the doctor guide a catheter into my uterus.  Once in the right spot, the lab brought in the tube of our embryos.  We got to see the little puff as the embryos shot in.  And that was it.  I scooted to the travel bed thing, and was wheeled back to the room.  I had to lay around for 20 minutes afterwards.  Then we got to change and head home with orders to take it easy until the first pregnancy test on the 30th.

Nervous/excited to get these turkeys in where they belong.
Our little turkeys.
The top one is still collapsed but ought to expand and get better soon.
The bottom on is rated well.

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