Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Almost halftime!

I had my check up today with the doctor to see that everything is progressing as they want. Even though it's never been a problem in the past, I was a tad nervous about this appointment since we are on a different drug protocol. However, like usual, those nerves were for naught. Everything has checked out ok (if the blood work comes back funky, they may call me later).

I got more instructions, as well as circles drawn on my backside to show where the shots go.  Those start tonight. I also was told to start taking low-dose aspirin every day. This is a technique doctors use with women who have had multiple losses. They think it helps prevent clots that could mess with embryo growth, but it's not 100% proven. But it also doesn't hurt anything, so we are trying it. So much new stuff this round we will never know exactly which part needed to change if it works. But at least we will have finally stumbled upon the right recipe for success (hopefully).

Anyways, there isn't much more to report. Shots and pills for 6 days, then we should transfer two embryos on Monday, Nov. 21st around lunchtime. Blood test is on Nov. 30th and hopefully I'll have more to schedule after that. Keep sending us good thoughts please!

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