Sunday, November 6, 2016

Ready, set, go!

I went to the doctor on Friday for a follow-up to my follow-up appointment a few weeks ago. Originally, the doctor had said that he wanted to do an ultrasound in a few weeks to check that everything was healing ok. Then based on those results, we might be able to jump into another frozen transfer (FET) cycle. We never really spoke about specifics or paid any money, so I wasn't expecting much to happen really soon. Our last clinic was so methodical about stuff like that; we'd have paperwork and payment due (plus order meds) before ever getting scheduled for an ultrasound.

Boy, was I wrong about what to expect! My appointment started with a blood draw so they can check hormone levels. Then an ultrasound to check for cysts and see how my lining looks. Turns out everything looked ok, because the nurse told me to get dressed and meet her in the consult room when she finished the exam. She came in with the instructions for our FET cycle, much to my surprise!

We scraped the lupron we have used in the last few cycles. This saves us several weeks, about $500, and a couple dozen shots; so no tears over that change in protocol. I start taking Estrace (an estrogen supplement) twice a day for about two weeks. Then I go back to the doctor for another lining check. If that looks good, then we are all set to move onto the next step- progesterone shots. Not looking forward to these, but Spencer's always been good about giving them so I'm not concerned. Less than a week after we start the progesterone, we get to do the transfer. Then a 9-day wait before my first pregnancy test. It all takes less than a month, so it seems so much quicker than I'm used to. Kind of like a whirlwind.

In addition to the directions, I got consent forms to fill out and then sent to the front desk to check out and pay. It was a total of $2950, so a little more than our last clinic, but the lupron savings offsets the extra cost. I was still in a little shock by the time I left the office. If everything cooperates, we could do the transfer before Thanksgiving!

So, as usual, please send lots of good thoughts our way as we begin this process again. I'm feeling very confident that this is our cycle. The fourth one will be the lucky one. New doctor, cleaner insides, new protocol.

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