Wednesday, November 30, 2016

And the score is...

It's been 9 long days of trying not to parse every twinge or feeling.  It's hard to tell if any symptoms that could indicate pregnancy are because of hormone medication, because of pregnancy, or just in my head because I know that's a typical symptom.  Do my boobs hurt because that's what progesterone does or because the turkeys are cooking? (FYI if you didn't see my last post, I'm calling the embryos our turkeys). Am I tired and ready for bed at 8:30 because we walked around Six Flags or decorated the house for Christmas; or am I exhausted because the turkeys stuck? Crazy dreams because I'm stressed out or because I'm pregnant? We didn't want to test at home because we've never had good luck with those tests; my only positive, at-home pregnancy test was one I took after our positive beta last December. So we had to wait until my beta blood test today.

Blood draw was early this morning.  I got there a little early, so I got in and out before my actual appointment time. It was quite busy; the nurse said they had about 8 women in today for betas.  She told me that they would call with the results later in the day.  And thus began the excruciating wait for that one phone call.  I went back to work and tried to distract myself.  I carried my phone around everywhere I went so I wouldn't miss the call.  The more the day went on, the more anxious and nervous I got.  I convinced myself that when the nurse finally called, she would have bad news for us because I no longer felt any symptoms; they had just been in my head.

Finally, around the time I was getting ready to leave work, the nurse called.  I was shaking as I took the phone into the back hallway for privacy in our the conversation.  There was no dodging the issue.  The nurse told me that our beta came back at 344, a good strong positive. (25 is what will usually trigger a home pregnancy test for those of you wondering).  I'm to continue meds and order more if needed.  I go back on Friday for a second beta to hopefully see that number at 700 minimum.  Less than 700 would mean that the pregnancy is biochemical; more than 700 means the embryo(s) are growing like they should.

So we are again cautiously optimistic.  We had a good strong first number, so that seems to be a good sign.  I have plans to sit around all day tomorrow while at a training for work; hopefully that will provide an ideal environment for the turkeys.  We firmly believe that all of the positive energy from friends and family over the last month, especially the last few days, helped us get to this point. Please keep it coming.  And thank you!!

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