Sunday, May 15, 2016


Today marks five days past our 5 day embryo transfer (that's what the title means in abbreviations).

The pups are on board!
On Tuesday, May 10, we transferred two embryos.  They were originally rated perfectly at 4AA, but during the thaw, embryo two got downgraded to a 4AB.  It's still a great rating, though. 

I'd forgotten how uncomfortable the whole transfer process is. I had to have a full bladder so they could see the uterus better. Then during the transfer, they push the ultrasound wand into my tummy to visualize where to aim the embryos. That doesn't include the pap-smear-like process going on as well. They get me all prepped and then call the lab for the embryos. Our two came in one little syringe that the doctor shot into my lining. Then they take the syringe back to the lab to make sure it's empty. Instead of getting to use the restroom, I have to lay there for a while; after that, it's just go home and rest up.  
The little mouse pointer is where our pups are.
We also get to keep doing the progesterone shots every night; I say we because Spencer has to do those still.  I've not been able to work up the courage to try the intramuscular shots on myself.  We have found that my right side doesn't hurt, while the left side is rather uncomfortable; funny how that happens.

Over the last week, I've been working on providing the best environment possible.  I cleaned up my diet, eating more fruits and veggies and less sugar. I've taken it easy, trying not to do too much or stress over anything. I don't feel any different but it's still early.  The chart below shows exactly what happens each day past transfer.  So as of now, implantation ought to be complete and the placenta and fetus cells are developing.  I have my first pregnancy test on Thursday, May 19 (my birthday!).  Because it's my birthday and I'm nervous to ruin my birthday with bad news, I may test on Wednesday or ask the nurse to not call me until the second beta test.  I haven't decided yet though.

So cross every finger and all your toes that at least one of these little pups dig in and stick around!
Third Time's the Charm!! (two threes for two embryos)

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