Monday, May 9, 2016

Transfer impending

Sorry for being so quiet these last few weeks.  It's been a busy month or so.  I've been rather busy with trying to finish up my homework before graduation on Friday!  I also got to attend the Texas Library Association annual conference in Houston.  I've been doing physical therapy for my back ache that just wouldn't go away.  I was house sitting for my parents while they were out of town.  It's been very busy to say the least.  Allow me to catch you up on how our cycle is going.

The lupron shots went well.  Some nights they stung a bit more than others.  I had to take them with me to the conference, so the swankiest place I've given myself a shot is now the restroom of a Hilton hotel. I didn't notice too many symptoms from the lupron; either I didn't have any or I was too busy to notice.  My second appointment went well. Everything looked just like they wanted it to. I added in the estrogen pills about two weeks ago.  And a week ago, my lining check looked great; good and fluffy and ready to have an embryo snuggle in.  I've stopped the lupron shots now, replacing them with the progesterone in oil shots that Spencer has to give me.  He has done a great job with them; my left side hurts, but the right side usually goes off with very little discomfort.  Finally, in preparation for transfer, I was on a steroid and antibiotic for a few days.  I think I was taking about 8-9 pills a day for a few days!  This process sure does require a lot of medications.

Tomorrow afternoon is our transfer day.  We ask for good thoughts and prayers for a successful transfer.  I am at a loss for what else to say about it. Third time is the charm!

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