Thursday, May 19, 2016

Prayers and good thoughts please!

I tested yesterday on a home pregnancy test and it was negative.  Quite disappointing since I'd convinced myself I was having plenty of symptoms.  There are a myriad of reasons the test could be negative, so I wasn't completely giving up hope.  It could still be too early, the dollar store test I used wasn't sensitive enough, or the test expires this month.

Today was my actual beta test. I went and got my blood drawn and then went to physical therapy.  Just as I was finishing up at PT, I got the phone call.  My level is 9.9. Anything over 5 is considered positive, but this is a very low positive, so I should not get my hopes up. The nurse said cautious optimism until I go back on Saturday for another beta.  We are hoping for 20 or more as the result for that test.  That would put us on track for a positive pregnancy.  If it doesn't rise, then it's another chemical pregnancy.  I'm not letting myself think that far ahead, just staying positive that this little embryo(s) is just a procrastinator and as stubborn as me.

So lots of prayers and positive thoughts please!

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