Monday, August 12, 2019

The kids came home

My parents were watching the kids most of last week while I was the most laid up after surgery. They came home after daycare on Friday. It was hard for them the first few days to remember that mommy can't pick them up. But they have done really well. I can sit with them and they can sit in my lap pretty well without hurting me.

Owen has far surpassed my expectations. He had some major meltdowns the first day or so because I wouldn't pick him up when he wanted. But I would sit down and hold him until he was better. Now he seems to be the more conscious one of going easy on me. He is much more gentle around me than Elizabeth. And in the mornings, he has me stand up then he takes my hand to go down the stairs together. So cute how he leads me.

Elizabeth has done pretty well but she seems more incapable of controlling her flailing arms and ends up hitting my stomach occasionally. Nothing has hurt too bad, but she definitely needs to work on self-control.

Both have been really cute about wanting to see my owwies; they lift my shirt up and touch the glue on my incisions ever so gently. It makes me a tad sad seeing them play with my tummy knowing they will never get to do that for a baby brother or sister. Not that was ever a plan, but knowing it'll never happen now makes it seem more real.

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