Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Surgery and post-op

Surgery went well on Monday. We were one of the first people back in that area and our morning included a lot of questions and waiting. Finally, it was time to get wheeled back. It was typical surgery prep and I don't remember anything from a few seconds after leaving the prep room.

I woke up in recovery and felt like I needed to pee and my legs were shaking although I didn't really feel cold. They gave me meds for the shaking, ice chips, and told me not to think about the catheter and I'll get used to it eventually. After a little bit in recovery, they wheeled me into my room in the women's wing where Spencer was waiting. I got some morphine and took a nap.  I had a rough time getting used to the catheter. I could feel the urge to go and it was just uncomfortable. I was told to lay on my side to help my bladder and colon calm down, so I tried that. Most of the afternoon passed by with napping and pain meds. I got some dinner and ate a some of it.

Overnight, I started getting hydrocodone instead of morphine, which lasted longer. Sleep wasn't great but the meds helped knock me out. The overnight nurse was great. She moved my catheter bag to the ground to help with the flow, and after she did that, it wasn't so bad anymore. The next morning, I got the catheter out and was able to pee on my own not too much later. I also sat up in the chair for a little bit to help with the gas pain. The nurse said that I would get released by lunchtime. Spencer drove me home and got me into bed. I had some jello for lunch and took another nap. The next 36 hours or so went pretty much the same. Lots of sitting around watching tv with the occasional walk around the kitchen or to the bathroom.

Three days post-op now and most of the gas pain has disappeared. My muscles are sore and it feels like there is extra space for my skin or organs to fold oddly when I turn the wrong way (hard to describe). But I can mostly walk upright and get around on my own now. Doctor was surprised I was able to move once she got inside. I'm surprised I don't have more pain from surgery (most of it has been from the catheter or gas they pumped in me). I'm hoping to take a shower today. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and my recovery get more difficult. I don't necessarily notice a change in my hormones yet, but I figure it'll happen soon.

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