Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Traveling circus

I like to call us the traveling circus when we go out in public.  It's an adventure every time when we have to unload the car and take the stroller out. The double stroller (or baby limo as Spencer's coworkers dubbed it) with two infant car seats attached always draw attention. And that stroller is a beast! It's heavy and long. It folds up rather well and fits in our mini van ok (it even fit in the Camry trunk without the toddler seats on it). It's a dance trying to get both kids in and out of the van by myself. Leave the van running so the kids are comfortable while unloading and setting up the stroller.  Grab the first kid and lock their car seat in place. Grab the second kid, while trying to watch that the first one doesn't go anywhere in the stroller in that brief moment, and lock that car seat into place. Turn off the van, lock up, go shopping (etc.). Reverse all of that when you get back to the van after your errand. It really makes me miss malls and their one stop shopping. And I actually use the drive thru now; I hated them before because it was always iffy on understanding the person taking my order. Now just give me some type of food; just don't make me unload my kids.  I have become much more efficient when planning shopping trips or wait for Spencer to be able to watch them.

Anyways, the point of this post was to record the crazy things that people say to us while we are in public. We can't go anywhere where we don't get at least 2-3 comments on the kids. I don't mind it; my kids are special and I don't mind others acknowledging that too.  When I'm in the mood, I use this as an opportunity to educate people on twins and IVF.  I know it won't last forever because eventually they will just look like siblings. Some days, when I know the kids aren't going to last much longer, I get a little annoyed that I can't just check out and go. No, I have to have a conversation with the cashier first.  But I've perfected the graceful smile-say-thanks-and-keep-walking routine.  And I have a strict no touching policy; I will slap your hand away and yell at you for that.  Luckily it hasn't happened, but I did have the greeter at Walmart wanting to straightening Elizabeth's head while she was sleeping [I told her that E was fine how she was; she'd move her head if it bothered her].

So here are some that I remember (and I'll continue to add to this list as we encounter more)...
  • Double trouble
  • Twice blessed
  • Are they twins?
  • Are they identical?
  • Oh, one boy and one girl, so you're done having kids now?
  • Are these your first?
  • Do you mind if I just look at your kids? I've always wanted twins.
  • My [insert relative or friend here] has twins [or triplets].
  • Do they sleep a lot [or thru the night]?
  • Were they natural?
  • Do twins run in your family?
  • Where you shocked when you found out you were having twins?

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