Monday, October 16, 2017

I'm back!

I'd struggled for a while on whether to continue this blog or try to keep my kids' lives more private. so for the last three months, I've not posted anything. I'd start a post a few times, but never finished or published them. But today, I googled something and it got me upset. And it made me remember part of the reason why I started this blog in the first place. I was forced to go through a very frustrating process to get my kids and always took comfort in reading the experiences of others who were in the same situation. I could use my blog as a public service to educate those in my same predicament and those who luckily will never go through what I have. I hoped to shed some light on infertility and now I have the same chance to provide a glimpse into parenting twins. I am going to do my best to post more often, but also try to respect my kids' privacy. I'm not positive how I'll do it yet. I'm also not sure how I'll find the time to do this with two babies to take care of while also back at work. But even if the posts are much shorter, I still think it'll help me to write and hopefully help others to read.

So, I'm back and have alot on my mind.  I'll spend some time gathering my thoughts and hopefully won't sound too crazy [I haven't had a coherent thought in months, so this'll be fun ;-)]. I'll not likely post everything on Facebook, so subscribe to the blog for updates or check in every now and then.

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