Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Week 32 - one month to go!

Man this one is super late (and long apparently), but it's because we've been super busy with appointments, friends and family. 

We saw the specialist last week for a growth scan and fetal assessment. They both got 10/10 on all their tests (not sure exactly what they were testing). Owen is weighing just over 4 pounds and Elizabeth was just shy of 4 pounds. So both are doing amazing! We did the non-stress test thing with heart monitors hooked up to my tummy for 20 minutes or so. Owen was hard to find his heart beat consistently (not in a bad way, they were both uncooperative toots that day), but everything looked good according to the doctor. At the rate they are growing, they will be about 6.5 pounds each next month when they are due (that'll be 13 pounds of baby 😨).

I started physical therapy last week to try to help ease some of my pelvic pain. My right hip where it meets the backbone is loose, which means it's always out of place and aches. I also have symphysis pubis dysfunction, which means my pubic bone shifts out of place and aches.  The therapist stretched me in different ways to find out what triggers my pain, then "massaged" some of my muscles and ligaments. It was more like she found a ton of knots and pushed into them as hard as she could. It hurt but felt good too. I was so sore afterwards, but it's starting to feel better. I go back a few times a week for the same treatment until the babies come.  In between visits, I'm supposed to wear my support band to help keep everything in place and to help make the therapist's adjustments more effective.

I got to hang out with my sister for the first time in over a month since she moved away. We were going to do a small maternity photo shoot, but I wasn't feeling well (feet were super swollen) so decided to postpone it.  If we get around to it, cool. But it's not as important to me as newborn photos will be. Speaking of, if anyone has recommendations for an affordable photographer, please pass along the info.

Last weekend, a group of my mom's friends threw us a baby shower. These are ladies I've known probably the majority of my life now; mom plays bunco with them every month or so still. They prepared some great brunch finger foods, had adorable decorations, and gave Spencer and I a chance to celebrate with many of our friends and family. It was a wonderful event and I'm so grateful for all of time we've spent with friends and family as well as the gifts we received (not only at this shower but the others we've had as well).

O for Owen and E for Elizabeth
I think we finally have most of the very basics we'd need for the kids (car seats, stroller, place to sleep, some clothes and diapers/wipes). We also have more of the nice-to-have items and will get more with time. I haven't converted our guestroom/office into a nursery yet because I think it's more useful as a guest room for now.  It means less storage for what we have so far, but allowed us to host some friends for the weekend last week and next. We are slowly getting organized, sorting through things and finding new homes for most of our stuff.  Mom helped us finalize a theme a few weeks ago (animals). My sister has helped provide some ideas for decorating the nursery, which has helped spur my creative juices too. As much as I was putting it off before, now that I have more of a plan, I'm excited to work on getting it more together. I suppose nesting mode is starting to kick in. Spencer already created some very cute letters for each kid.  Now to get busy!  Less than one month to go...
Bump Pic at 32 week and 6 days.
I have fewer and fewer clothes that fit now haha

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