Saturday, June 10, 2017

Week 31

Man, the end of the week appointments do not help my procrastination at all.  Sorry for the later post.

We have hit 31 weeks now. Seems hard to believe we've come this far, even though there's still a ways to go. I feel huge (doctor said I measure 38 weeks) even if I don't look it (as most people tell me). I can no longer squat down on the ground and get back up again. I actually got stuck the other day without a good way of pulling myself up, so Spencer had to help me. It was both funny and sad. I've had random contractions off and on, but nothing the doctors are worried about. And my biggest other complaint is the amount of swelling in my feet. I try to prop them up more and stay off of them, but it's hard. I'm trying out compression socks to see if they can help any. On the plus side, that pillow I broke down and bought makes a big difference, even though I still get up a lot in the middle of the night and toss and turn a bunch still.
We had two more baby showers this week. My office put together a great and generous party for the babies (and me and Spencer). We played the clothes pin game where you can't say the word baby or you lose a pin. I did rather well considering how many cards I read out loud. Lots of paraphrasing, but I still lost. We got several books to start the kiddos library and tons of really cute onesies and other baby supplies. One coworker's husband helped build an adorable diaper cake topped with two bears. It's very cute and I couldn't resist posting a picture.

Some of Spencer's family threw us a shower earlier today. It was great getting to see everyone and catching up since our last get together at Christmas. Our kiddos are going to be some of the best dressed thanks to many precious little outfits. I hope we can find an excuse to all get together again after babies come but before Christmas.

Our last doctor visit wasn't extremely eventful. First appointment of the day meant we didn't have to wait long, which was nice. I've hit the 160 pounds mark, which the doctor said is great progress. I still wish it was a bit more, but I'm working on it. She said the babies are doing great; most twins start to see a few complications around this time, but kiddos as doing wonderfully.  Since we had already decided to do a csection, I asked if we could schedule a day so we have an end date in mind. Babies could still come early, but they should not stay in past July 19th now. It was kind of weird getting to pick their birthday out. Now it seems so much more real; our family will double in size in five and a half weeks! It feels so distant but also so soon, especially given the amount of organizing we still need to do for the house.

We go back for another growth scan middle of next week. And I start physical therapy to try to help my pelvis get back into place as best it can given the circumstances. Hopefully next week's post will be back to the middle of the week like normal.  Here's a bump pic (since I haven't posted one in a while)

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