Thursday, June 1, 2017

Week 30 - Guest post ;)

Good evening friends and followers.  This is Spencer and I am filling in (hopefully not too terribly) for your usual writer, the always amazing Stacey.  Things have been going pretty well since the last time we posted.  I do not have Stacey's talent for all details (mainly because I am not the one who is pregnant) but I will try to give the good pieces of information that I know.  Friday is a bit hazy, so I'm going to skip that one for know.

Saturday was quite busy. We went shopping for some new maternity clothes for Stacey.  Now normally I am not a fan of shopping but my wife knows me well and bribed me with lunch.  She was able to find a few things so it was a worthwhile trip.  It wasn't very long but with the kiddos kicking like crazy, she has been getting worn out quicker than usual.  On the bright side though, Stacey has discovered that swimming is a great help for easing some of her aches and pains, and as we learned it can also help nutrients get to each kiddo.  

We made good use of our UNT Rec Center passes.  I'll give Stacey credit; she actually was able to get in the pool in under 15 min. this time!  I keep telling her that if she just got in all at once she wouldn't be as cold, but she is stubborn.  We can only hope the kids take after me...less stubborn but right more often.  :)  Well after a good half hour in the pool, we did a second round of shopping.  We went to Hobby Lobby to try and get ideas for decorating the kiddos nursery.  While we didn't find a lot, I did get a good idea for a project I want to do for the kiddos.  It will we require all of my very limited artistic skills but I really want to try it.  I can't share too much now, but if it works I will share a picture here.  Side note:  Stacey bought me the most amazing early birthday present!  It's nerdy and totally me!

Sunday was busy but a lot of fun for us both.  It started as most Sundays do with us asking each other what we want to do and complaining that neither of us has any ideas.  Knowing that Stacey has limited time to go out and do stuff, I suggested seeing the new Pirates movie. We both enjoyed it, even though Owen and Elizabeth were practicing karate kicks throughout the previews.  They have been moving and wiggling a ton recently, which I think is great cause I get to feel them, but I know it wears on Stacey.  Later that day we were able to attend the baptism our some of our best friends' daughter.  It was awesome and she was ADORABLE!!  Afterwards, we went back to their house and discovered a new trick to get the babies to kick...cold hands.  Apparently they love the sensation and start moving like crazy when they feel them.

Monday was another busy as we went on a shopping /idea gathering trip with Stacey's mom.  I'm sure Stacey will follow this place holder blog up with one with more details but suffice it to say we made no purchases but did narrow the focus on what we want for the nursery.  I love my wife dearly but I have had to start pushing her a little more when it comes to making decisions.  She likes to overthink everything until she doesn't have to make one haha.   Now I will say that I am picking up the slack where I can, and making what decisions I can, but I am happy she is on board with collaborating on decision making.

Stacey was having some back pain the past few days so she finally caved on my wonderful advice and purchased a pregnancy pillow.  She was skeptical at first but considering she passed out about 15 minutes after trying it out I am thinking it was a great purchase.  We actually found out today at the doctor's appointment that she was experiencing back contractions (so that's my new learned thing of the day).  Luckily, they only happened twice and sporadically, so nothing too worrisome. But it's at that point where, in addition to checking on the kiddos health, they will start checking their living space as well to make a decision on when to go get them.  I have considered starting a Baby Pool as a way to raise some extra money haha.  

Well, if you stuck with me this long, you are either a glutton for punishment, or I wrote this post decently enough.  Let's get to the good part, today's doctor visit!  It went WONDERFUL!  Both kiddos are head down and heads together.  Stacey thinks that they are already plotting; and considering they are a mix of Stacey and myself, that probably is what's happening.  They were positioned well enough for the doctor to get some great measurements.    Owen is still doing great and is at 3 pounds 5 ounces.  He has started to slow his growth which the doctor says is normal for twins in the 28th-30th weeks.  I think the best news of the day goes to our little girl though.  She has done quite a bit of growing in the past few weeks and is now......
3 pounds and 2 ounces!!!!  She is only 3 ounces behind her brother and also doing wonderful!  It was very exciting and emotional seeing her in the 22nd percentile after as small as she was; but she is just taking her own time to get big.  

What happens next is still up in the air; we know they have at least have 2 more weeks for sure in the oven, and hopefully another 6 after that.  Every week from here on out just makes them healthier and reduces chances they'll spend a lot of time in the NICU.   This has been such a roller coaster of a journey and we could not have done it without the support of all of you.  Thank you for being with us and I can't wait to share the next great news with you soon.

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