Thursday, July 26, 2018


Each week, I seem to want to live for the weekend. Life during the week is just so busy. We get up, go to daycare/work, go home, eat, play for a few minutes before bedtime. Then Elizabeth takes an hour or two (or three on a bad night) to put to bed. By then, I'm exhausted and often just ignore the mess in the kitchen and fall into bed instead. The weekends are time to catch up and play, to have fun. But these two kiddos require so much attention right now (read as they cry unless mommy sits with them), so not much gets done. We try to take the kids out to a store or somewhere different in order to wear them out, but that wears out everyone and the adults don't get to nap.

I suppose this is a new normal. The routines help and eventually E will get better about going to bed and we will have more time in the evening to get a few things done. Just hope that comes sooner rather than later.

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