Wednesday, March 22, 2017

20 weeks

In a normal pregnancy, 20 weeks would mark the halfway point.  We hit that milestone last week since the doctor said she would want the twins to go past 38 weeks.  According to my pregnancy app on my phone, the babies should weigh about 10 ounces and measure about 10 inches long, head to foot.  Our babies weighed about 10 ounces last week, so I think they are right on track.  I've gotten my appetite back lately, so hopefully they will continue to grow nicely as I feed them more.  Heartburn can still be an issue occasionally, but it hasn't been consistent or terrible.  I suppose I'm in that nice phase of pregnancy between morning sickness and too big to do anything.  I still take it easy most of the time, but that may be harder now that I've made a to-do list for cleaning up the outside of the house (mostly projects we started but never finished).

So many choices!
Last weekend, Spencer and I ventured out to a few stores where we started looking at baby stuff and signed up for a few baby registries (we've been going to all of the stores that offer free goodie bags for registering).  Oh my! I thought I was prepared with my list of what we'd need. I guess I didn't factor in the fact that there are so many brands and varieties of each object.  We picked a few items out but will definitely need to do some more research before continuing. I think we'll just take a item or two each night and decide which brand and version we want. I found a bunch of friends' registries online to look at for inspiration.  If you want to provide some advice, I've created a google doc that you can comment on here.  I have it set up that anyone with the link can comment (not edit); hopefully it works ok.
Overall, registering was a fun experience.  We got to check boy and girl when we signed up, which was kind of cool.  I parked in an expectant mother space, which I got a kick out of.  And I got my first inquiry from a stranger (at Sam's, not a baby store) as to what we are having, boy or girl.  Totally blew her mind when I said both!  That led to a short conversation about twins and names.  Speaking of names, we think we've settled on names, but I'm not quite ready to share.  I want to sit on it a bit longer and make sure I'm really happy with them.  So maybe next week.

Like usual, I'll leave ya with a bump pic...
20 weeks (measuring 25 last week) - I think I've bumped it at least three times on doors and other things.

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