Monday, February 27, 2017

16 weeks

I don't really have too much to say this week. It seems like I get more of an appetite each day, which is good. However, I've been getting more heartburn too. Certain smells still irritate me. I can nap all day and still grab 10 hours of sleep over night. 

I *think* I've felt the babies fluttering around, but I'm also pretty sure that's all in my head. The doctor said it could happen anytime now and every so often I feel a different sensation. But it happens so fast and, by the time I realize it and stop to try and tell what I'm feeling, disappears before I can really tell what I felt. Hence, I think I'm just imagining it. Hopefully, it'll start to be more obvious soon.

I've started wearing more of my maternity pants (the two I've bought so far) and stretchy skirts. I need to go shopping for some maternity shirts. I'm starting to stretch out my shirts just a tad, so I think I'll need real maternity shirts within a few weeks. My sister offered to go shopping with me in March, so I'm looking forward to that.

That's pretty much all for now. I'll leave ya with yet another bump pic...

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