Monday, February 27, 2017

17 weeks

I finally have a bunch of maternity clothes! Thanks to my sister for going shopping with me. I felt bad that she was mostly just following me around the stores and watching me try on clothes. But she had good suggestions (she has way more fashion sense than I do) and we had some fun conversations. Motherhood maternity overwhelmed me surprisingly. H&M and Old Navy had small sections of maternity clothes with some basics so there weren't too many decisions to make. Motherhood had tons of everything in tons of colors! Awesome selection; just didn't know what I needed or wanted so browsing could lead to an expensive trip. I'm gonna wait before I go back there when I have something specific in mind. Funny side note- I overheard a clerk offering a fake bump to someone in the dressing room so they could see how the outfit would fit in a few months. Quite clever!

Shopping wore me out pretty good, so the rest of the weekend was spent napping and lounging around. Gotta start learning to walk slower or I'm gonna stress the babies when out shopping or walking around campus. I'm still battling some blah feeling and a lack of appetite. No more morning sickness (as long as I take my diclegis each night). I tried skipping it one night and that was a rough day the next day. I keep hoping my appetite will come back in full force because I'm not gaining as much weight as I'd like. I'm only up 5/6 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight at 17 weeks.

Other than this, it's mostly just waiting and planning to prepare. Waiting to find out genders and then really start preparing from there. I have a plan for a registry list started and starting to think of nursery themes. Toying with whether we can afford a minivan or just try to make do with my Corolla (paid off and I doubt we will go many places for a while with two wee little ones). Trying to figure out what our plans will be for babies sleeping in the first few months to decide what to buy (crib, bassinets, twin pack and play, co-sleeper attachment thing for our bed [how does that work with twins!?]). Talked with the insurance about what's covered and now need to inform the doctor that their original estimate was wrong. So much to do, but so much of it has to wait too. Reminds me of the hurry up and wait of wedding planning; you can only plan and prep so much ahead of time before having to wait until much closer to time to finish the to do list.

No bump pic this week because my photographer is gone right now. I have a post planned for later this week that will have one for ya (and a fun little poll to guess what the genders will be- I'm excited for it).

16 weeks

I don't really have too much to say this week. It seems like I get more of an appetite each day, which is good. However, I've been getting more heartburn too. Certain smells still irritate me. I can nap all day and still grab 10 hours of sleep over night. 

I *think* I've felt the babies fluttering around, but I'm also pretty sure that's all in my head. The doctor said it could happen anytime now and every so often I feel a different sensation. But it happens so fast and, by the time I realize it and stop to try and tell what I'm feeling, disappears before I can really tell what I felt. Hence, I think I'm just imagining it. Hopefully, it'll start to be more obvious soon.

I've started wearing more of my maternity pants (the two I've bought so far) and stretchy skirts. I need to go shopping for some maternity shirts. I'm starting to stretch out my shirts just a tad, so I think I'll need real maternity shirts within a few weeks. My sister offered to go shopping with me in March, so I'm looking forward to that.

That's pretty much all for now. I'll leave ya with yet another bump pic...

Sunday, February 19, 2017

15 weeks (and a few days)

Sorry it's been so long since our last post.  I hadn't really been feeling great and didn't want to just complain about everything over and over again.  And we hadn't had a doctors appointment since my last post, so there weren't really many interesting updates to post.  However, since this blog is doubling as my pregnancy diary, I promise to post more frequently from here on out, even if its just a quick update with a bump pic or something.

Over the last several weeks, I've slowly started to feel more normal.  I have more energy to do things (like chores and cooking).  My super sweet mother has made me a few dinners to eat over several days so I don't have to cook.  Evenings are still a little uncomfortable for me, but I think I keep overeating at dinner (although it's less than I used to eat) and then must face the repercussions of a full belly.  But I'm excited that I'm no longer nauseous off and on all day long, so I'll take an uncomfortable evening here and there.  Other symptoms include an increased appetite, some weight gain (4 pounds in 4 weeks so far!), crazy dreams each night, and ill-fitting pants (I so need the weather to get warmer so I can pull out my skirts).  I think my bump actually looks more like a prego belly and not just a bloated tummy of a frequent buffet-goer.
We had our latest doctor appointment last week. It was a bit of an ordeal for us.  We got there early and checked in.  I had to sign some financial agreement, which didn't seem accurate to me so I need to call the insurance company to check my benefits. The real problem of the appointment was just waiting to get called back. Our appointment was at 4 and around 4:30 the nurse came out and said the doctor was being called to the hospital next door to do an emergency delivery.  We could wait or reschedule our appointment.  After some confusion and frustration, we finally confirmed that if we stuck around, we'd eventually see the doctor, even if it was way after they closed at 5.  We decided we had no plans, so we'd wait. Plus Spencer didn't have any availability to reschedule any time soon and really wanted to see the kids.

Right after 5, the nurse called us back and began taking vitals while we waited on the doctor, who didn't take much longer after that.  Our appointment mostly consisted of the ultrasound (I'm so glad we get to see the babies each visit).  Baby A, the one on bottom, was waving at us at first but then was just chilling for the most part.  Baby B, the top one, was really have a grand old time flip around and wiggling the whole time.  I think that was the total opposite of last time, so my guess is both kids are going to take turns keeping us on our toes.  The doctor tried to determine the sex of each baby, but they weren't cooperating, so we'll have to wait for the anatomy scan next month.  Hopefully they aren't as bashful then.  By the end of the appointment, they both had their heads next to each other, like they were plotting something.  They are so gonna be trouble :)