Friday, October 2, 2015


Oh my so much has happened in the last few days.  This whole process goes in big spurts; lots of waiting and then bam! lots happens all at once.  Now to see if my hormone addled brain can remember everything.

For the most part, Tuesday was a good day; I brought materials to work so that I could build a standing desk. This seemed to help quite a bit with the pain level since I wasn’t sitting all day.  It wasn’t until my evening walk with Zoey that I started to get anxious. We’d spent so much money on this whole process, I didn’t want one little hiccup like getting my medication late to derail everything.  I was looking for the FedEx truck at every corner.  Finally, it came just in time to get home and do my shots at the right time. These were so hard to do; it was a mental challenge to poke those needles into me.  I really hope that is the last set of my shots I have to give myself.  I do not know that I could physically give myself the damn Ganirelix shot again on Wednesday.

Wednesday morning, I had another appointment for blood work and ultrasound.  The blood work went ok. The scan also was fine.  The ovaries are showing lots of large follicles still, but there were some stragglers too, which prompted the nurse doing to the scan to suggest that I might need to do one more day of shots and trigger Thursday with retrieval on Saturday.  This was very upsetting news. I was completely out of Ganirelix and would not be able to order more in time; not to mention that I was tired of giving myself the shots.  I would not know anything for sure until the afternoon phone call.  After the scan, the nurse went over the trigger shot and information for retrieval, just in case it was that night. She showed me how to do the intramuscular shots for the progesterone starting the day after retrieval; those make me nervous.  Before I left the clinic, I received a dose of Ganirelix, just in case I need it.  Either way, I made an appointment for Thursday for more blood work, which could be for pre-op labs or my last scan in case trigger got postponed.

Good news! I got the call to trigger Wednesday night at 8pm and retrieval will be Friday morning.  This turned my day around.  The trigger shot wasn’t terrible, and it was exciting that it was only one shot, not three! My appointment Thursday morning was just for blood work. It was very quick and then I raced back to work to do my second trigger shot. I got to work just in time and did my last shot in the bathroom at work.  So that shot made thirty, 3-0, self-administered shots. I was so excited. No more shots for a whole day!! Haha!  The rest of Thursday was spent chilling and getting some homework done.


Symptom tracker: ovaries feel like they are each the size of melons (hyperbole I’m sure) and they were twinging by Thursday night, bloated, thirsty, lower back pain, hormonal/stressed out, tired, hungry, acne, some insomnia, sore boobs

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