Friday, April 8, 2016

Third time's the charm

Friday morning, I went to my first scan of our second frozen embryo transfer. I was nervous going into it, but as soon as the nurse came to get me, it felt so familiar and exciting. It was rather routine; vitals signs gathered then changed for the scan.  My lining looked good and my endometrioma is still there on my left ovary. I got my directions and the nurse looked over my medications. Turns out I can't use the lupron I had leftover from the last cycle because it's expired. So I have to order another kit for about $200 knowing I'm only going to need about half of it. :( oh well.

Friday night was the first of the injections for this round. It took me a while to figure out what time I wanted to do these. The shots have to be done at the same time everyday, so you really have to think ahead to know what conflicts might cause a problem with the selected time. I settled on 8pm. I wasn't nervous about the shots at all, until it was time to actually stab myself. You're supposed to stab yourself quickly, in a darting motion. I'm not very good at working up the courage for that; it seems like when I try that the needle doesn't pierce the skin and just bounces off. So I end up going slower than I ought to at first. The shot went ok, but I did get a red splotch at the injection site about 20 minutes later. One down, only about 4 more weeks to go. 

I go back for another scan and blood work in two weeks. We should get to do our transfer around May 10th if everything continues as planned!

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