Saturday, September 26, 2015

The one week mark

The Ganarelix I added on Thursday is not good at all.  The first time I used it I had all kinds of issues.  There was a bunch of air bubbles in it that just didn’t want to come out.  I finally got those out and prepped my tummy for the shot.  The needle gauge is in between the two that I’m already using, so I figured it’d go in easily.  NOPE! I ended up pricking myself twice before I finally got it to go in all the way.  Then it burned! I had a red splotch on my belly for over an hour, which according to Google searches is a normal side effect the first use.  And it continued to burn for a while after the shot too.  I’m glad this wasn’t included since the beginning, but sad that I’ll probably end up using all 5 of my doses of it.

The appointment on Friday went well.  I asked about why my nurse appointment was changed to a doctor’s appointment and the doctor just mentioned that they were going to a conference and wanted to see me one last time so my case was fresher when doing the phone consults over the next week.  So no problem with me, just a routine appointment.  The nurse had trouble drawing blood out of my right arm, so we had to switch to the left arm.  This one worked and I guess I’ll lead with it next visit. The scan went well too. The doctor said that my lining was looking good and measured my follicles again.  They were up to about 10-11mm.  The doctor said I have a good number of follicles and will be very full by the time of retrieval.  Oh boy!

The nurse called earlier in the day and said that my estradiol level is 1176, which is great.  She said to continue doing my same dosages for the next two nights and they’ll see me on Sunday morning for more blood work and a scan.  I should learn more about when my next appointment after that is, Monday or Tuesday, and hopefully get a better idea of how the next week will look with retrieval. It’s getting so close yall! The shots went ok Friday night; the Ganarelix was a little better, but still stung for a bit after it went in. 

Shot/blood draw counter: IIII IIII IIII IIII II (as of Saturday night)

Symptom tracker: Bloated in evening, ilioscaral joint aches, thirsty

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