Wednesday, July 3, 2019

How my body has betrayed me

I don't really know how to start this post. I last posted in early April about all of the doctor's visits regarding the pain/infection in my ovary. I did make an appointment with the gynecological oncologist in April and we decided instead of rushing to surgery, let's give the antibiotics a few months and see what everything looks like. I had a few conferences in May and June and the kids' birthday in July, so I didn't want to do anything before mid-July anyways. The pain had gone away and I had started doing the nuvaring back to back so no period for a while.

I went in for another scan in mid-June. The oncologist doesn't do scans in office like my gynecologist so I went to an imaging place. They got me in super quick. The technician didn't describe anything she was seeing, nor did I get to even see the screen. All I could tell about the procedure was that she took at ton of pictures. I wondered at the time if it was normal to have that many taken. I knew that I wouldn't know anything until my follow up with the oncologist.

Spencer had a fair to attend for work during my appointment, so I took my mom with me for moral support. The doctor came in and told us that what's on my ovaries is smaller, but still there and still a decent size. She suspects that the infection and inflammation is gone, but that my endometriomas are still there and rather big. I have two on my left side that are the size of a lime and a walnut and one on my right the size of a grape. She suggested just taking everything out. So at the ripe age of 32, I get to go through surgical menopause. Because of my endometriosis, hormone replacement therapy may not be the best route for me afterwards.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all. I'm scheduled for surgery on August 5th right now. I kept debating whether or not to postpone again for a long time, but the pain comes back every now and again. Plus my boss said August would be a good time for me to be out for awhile. I have a consult with an endometriosis expert on the 30th. That's mostly for a second opinion on how to proceed after surgery (i.e., hormone replacement or not). This surgery won't cure me of my endometriosis, but perhaps it can go along way toward easing the pain.