Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Medical mystery

After a very long doctor's appointment today, I finally am on the road to answers. A week ago, I started to feel super crummy. Just off. I went home from work early and found out I had a low fever. Hubby made me go to the urgent care to get checked out. By then, my left ovary was quite painful and I didn't have any appetite. I was crampy and had a back ache. The doctor annoyed me by asking how I knew the pain was from my ovary when there are several options in that location. I nicely told her I have had endometriomas on my ovary and the pain felt the same as it did when those flared up. She felt around my pelvis area and then had me leave a urine sample. She diagnosed me with an infection (probably UTI) and put me on antibiotics. Said follow up with PCP or gyno if it doesn't get better.  I spent another day and a half at home in pain and taking my antibiotics. I felt okish by Friday and over the weekend, although I had pain and a low grade fever off and on still.  Urgent care called back and said my urine culture turned out negative but to keep taking the antibiotics. Friday, I also started a period about two weeks early. So while bad timing, at least it helped explain some of my symptoms.

Monday, I finally got to see my PCP. She said my hormones are probably out of whack and that she wants to run labs and do a scan. She figured my gyno would want to do all of the same things, and since I already had an appointment for tomorrow, she was just going to wait. I asked her to do the blood work now so I can get the results that much faster. I'll insist on the scan at my appointment on Tuesday.

My appointment with the gyno was way more involved than I expected when I made the appointment months ago. It started as a well woman exam. She found a huge polyp to remove, about the size of my pinky finger tip. She sent me for an ultrasound next. There the tech didn't describe much, but I noticed her measuring a cyst on my right ovary that was decently big. Then by the end of the exam, measurement stats popped up on screen. My left ovary measured 3 times bigger than my right. So I was told to wait for my doctor again to go over results.  Turns out that my pain doesn't seem to be endometriomas like I thought. I have a bunch of cysts (I also have PCOS so I'm not surprised by that news) and an infection. They can't do an exploratory laparoscopy until the infection is gone. So I'm back on antibiotics for two more weeks. Then no surgery for at least 6 weeks after that. In the meantime, I have a referral to see a gynecological oncologist. My doctor feels that given my history of endo and now this random infection, that if I'm done having kids, then maybe just take everything out. I was already prepared to fight for this option just because of how much pain I've been in every month. Now that it's a real option, it seems so much bigger.

So, I have some answers. We need a few more. And I'm going to do my best to stay in the present and not worry about the future.