Thursday, February 8, 2018


This week has been one of the toughest I've faced in a while. Long nights with fussy babies Friday and Saturday nights. E was diagnosed with an ear infection and upper respiratory infection Saturday night. O probably has the upper respiratory infection too. Then Sunday night, I came down with a stomach bug that knocked me down hard. So hard hubby stayed home from his local travel week to take care of me and E. A day to recover was all I got because O and I had doctors appointments Wednesday morning and hubby got my stomach bug. Picked up the kids from daycare Wednesday after work to news they'd been vomiting and having blowouts; even got a bag of soiled clothes to take home. So I'm at home again taking care of O. I knew starting daycare would mean more sickness, but dang.

Anyways. I spent the weekend not able to stand the sound of the kids stuffy noses. I became obsessed with saline drops and the nose frida (amazing tool btw; totally recommemd it over the bulb thing). The kids have grown to hate it; I dont blame them since their noses are probably kind of raw. O used to like getting his nose sucked out; he was weird like that. He tolerates it better than E, but then again I could say that about most things with these two.

But today, nearly a week later, I have O sleeping in my arms, breathing away thru his slightly stuffy nose. And I find myself starting to like that sound. He's so sweet and peaceful while he sleeps. I still wanna suck all the boogers out of his nose, but for some weird reason I like listening to him right now. Maybe i just need more sleep.