Thursday, January 19, 2017

11 weeks

Wow! We hit 11 weeks Wednesday. It's been a while since I posted anything, but there's a reason for that- I've been too sick and tired to want to write. So here's a nice long summary post of the last month.

Morning sickness (or really mostly just nausea) hit me pretty bad, even with medicine and sea bands. I wasn't as bad as some women who end up in the hospital or anything though; I was able to function for the most part, but it has been hard. Trying to find something to eat has been rough the last few weeks. I'm hungry and know I need to eat, but very little sounds appealing. I like bland, mushy foods, fruit, cheese (in any form really), and New York Sub Hub (I've probably had this for lunch and dinner at least 5 days in the last two weeks).  I only lost about 2 pounds, mostly from just not eating as much. I'm not worried about that since I'm back up to my normal weight. My hope is that in the next few weeks I'll start feeling better and wanting to eat more.  My only other real symptom of pregnancy is exhaustion. I'm tired all the time (maybe because I don't get enough calories). I mostly have just lounged in bed watching dvds or go to be super early (like 8 pm). Growing two humans is hard work.

At our December ultrasound, the nurse had said we would probably stop shots around week 10 (January 11). Turns out at our January appointment, we get to keep doing those until 12 weeks. Because of previous losses, the doctor wants to be sure we do everything possible to support the babies. So that means extra estrogen pills and progesterone shots until next week, January 25th. The biggest problem I had with this was that Spencer went on his first recruiting trip to Oklahoma this week, so we had to find someone else to help with the shots. I don't think I could do them on my own; just can't bring myself to push the needle in quick enough. My best friend graciously volunteered to help out. She and her husband only live about 15-20 minutes away so it's been easy enough to run over to each other's houses. She has done an excellent job with them! I don't feel much of the shot at all. I'm so thankful to her for taking time away from her baby girl this week to help me out. She's a rockstar!

We graduated from the RE's office at our first appointment in January. The babies were doing great at that point. Given the amount of morning sickness I have had, I've never been very worried about losing the babies (so there's the positive of feeling so crummy lately). We got a recommendation for an OB at the hospital nearby us. My first appointment there was Wednesday this week. My mom came with me since Spencer was out of town. (Can I just say right now how lucky I am to have so much support nearby already?! Love you all!) I really like the staff at this office; they are very friendly. I had to leave a urine sample and give a decent blood donation for a bunch of tests (so far everything has come back normal). The doctor went over my medical history and answered all of my questions. The babies are indeed di/di twins, the safest kind. We will find out the genders at the normal time, between 18 and 22 weeks (so March). I need to gain about 35 pounds and drink more water. My due date will be 37-38 weeks (so July 19-26ish) and I'll be doing a c-section. Neither childbirth method appeals to me; but given it's twins, I don't want to risk the babies or end up have one each way.

Because I'm carrying twins, every doctor's visit will include an ultrasound to make sure they are growing properly and one doesn't fall behind the other. I'm kind of excited about that. This visit, the babies are stacked on top of each other, like they are in bunk beds. Baby B is on top; s/he was pretty chill, resting his or her hands under his or her chin. Baby A is on bottom and was dancing a bit during the ultrasound. The pictures the doctor took were ok, but it's hard to see them so I won't post them. But I will give yall a baby bump shot...yeah that's right, I have a little bit of a bump already.