Thursday, December 22, 2016

First sonogram

It's twins!

Spencer and I went for our first sonogram yesterday afternoon.  Almost immediately we could see one big, dark blob (which I assumed was the baby based on other sonos I've seen).  The nurse moved the wand around some more and spotted another blob under the first.  So twins!  She took a bunch of measurements of each baby. Baby A (the one on the bottom in the pictures) measured 6weeks6days and had a nice strong heartbeat around 145bpm.  Baby B (the one on the top of the pictures) measured 7 weeks and also had a strong heartbeat of 145bpm.  Spencer recorded their heartbeats on his phone so we can try to share that later.  We continue medications for another few weeks and come back in on January 4th for another sonogram.

We are very excited! And quite nervous.  I'm just happy the doctor was able to give me something for the morning sickness/nausea I've had for the last week.  It had gotten pretty bad to where I just wanted to nap all day and could barely function at work. In fact, that's why this post was written the morning after and not last night (I was in bed shortly after 7).  A couple of pills later and I feel much more like myself. I still have lots of aversions to food, but with the medication, there seems to be more I'm willing to eat so far.

Friday, December 2, 2016

New favorite number

Second beta this morning came back at 955! More than doubled which is excellent news! We go back for an ultrasound on the 21st to hear heartbeat(s).  Thanks for the good thoughts, prayers, etc! We love you all.