Friday, October 21, 2016

Deep cleaning

Two weeks ago, I had surgery to remove the large endometriomas on my ovaries and clean up a bunch of other stuff in me.  (Don't worry if you didn't know, I didn't tell too many people).

Doctor said that everything went well.  There was a lot of endometriosis to clean up, but this was still surface-level; it hadn't embedded itself yet (reminded me of mold kind of). He removed the cysts off each ovary.  Funny thing at this point: my bowels were almost completely wrapped around my left ovary (probably part of the reason that one kept twinging).  The doctor separated everything and placed some bio-gel stuff inside to help keep things in its place while I heal.  There was some abnormal stuff inside my uterus, but he clean that up as well. 

I had a rough time coming out of the anesthesia, cold and nauseous. But we avoided staying overnight and got to go home.  It was robotic surgery, so there is very minimal bruising around the incisions. The pain afterwards wasn't too bad, except the gas that gets trapped with laparoscopy procedures. Once that found its way out, recovery went decently.  The doctor got his way and kept me out for two whole weeks.  I felt fine to return to work by the end of the first week, but since the doctor wouldn't release me, I spent the time watching TV, letting the dog in and out, and doing a few light chores.  

My post-op appointment this morning finally released me back to work!  I got to see all of the pictures from the surgery, which I love. The doctor removed the glue over my incisions, which look really good.  Not sure if it was seeing what they did, my incisions are exposed to more rubbing from my shirt now that the glue is gone, or using my abs to sit up and lay back, but I am feeling a tad sore after the appointment.  But doctor said that we'll do an ultrasound in a few weeks and if that looks good, we could start a new transfer cycle soon!

Moving day

Couple of Mondays ago, after weeks of paperwork and emails, we moved our embryos out of Bedford to our new clinic. It took awhile to confirm a date, but it finally all got worked out in the end.  I drove to Bedford to pick up the embryos the embryologist packed in a special liquid nitrogen transport container. She showed me the straw our embryos are packed in to prove they are in there. I got lots of paperwork to take with them (mostly pictures, inventory, and their freezing processes).  

Then it was off to Dallas to drop off the embryos. The embryologist there unpacked the container and added our embryos to their storage area. They are all tucked in and awaiting our next transfer. Then it was off to Bedford to return the shipping container and say goodbye to that clinic. Kind of bittersweet, but I'm ok with the decision.