Friday, August 28, 2015


Hi everyone,

I've decided that I want to document our journey with IVF (in vitro fertilization) so that others can understand more about the process.  I feel like this is such a mysterious journey that only the unlucky few have to take.  So many people I've spoken with recently know very little about the process (I was included in that category just six months ago!) and I want to change that.  I hope to provide some education and awareness for IVF, PCOS, and endometriosis with this blog as well as have a lasting record of how we got our future kid.  I've kept a diary of sorts since this all began in February, so I'll probably go back and post some of what I wrote in the past, in addition to documenting everything I can once we start IVF next month.

Thank you for reading and supporting us.  I can't even begin to describe how great it feels to know so many people are rooting for us and care about us.  Please feel free to leave comments and ask questions as we move forward. Nothing is too personal to me anymore, but I might privately answer any questions that may not belong in public.
